Zentrum für Ethik und Philosophie in der Praxis (ZEPP)

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When Artists Fall: On Admiring the Immoral

Talk by Alfred Archer

Time: Wednesday, 3 July, 6 pm

Location: MCE

Is it appropriate to admire immoral artists? This question is of crucial importance given the recent debates concerning how to respond to prominent cases of artists who have been accused of morally outrageous behaviour (eg. Roman Polanski, Casey Affleck and Lewis C.K). In this talk I will discuss the ethics of admiring immoral artists through giving them awards and honours. I will argue that there are moral reasons not to express admiration for immoral artists through giving them awards and honours. First, because this admiration can serve to condone their behaviour. Second, because this admiration can serve to silence their victims.

Alfred Archer is DAAD-Visiting Professor for the Ethics in Practice at LMU Munich, as well as Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Tilburg University.